Fall Fling May Finally Get My Pictures Noticed

I know it's been a long while since I wrote last. Please forgive me as I have been working and teaching and I did 2 shows at the Bertie County Arts Council in Windsor, NC. October is a busy month for us. Every weekend there is something going on. October 8th I sing in the … Continue reading Fall Fling May Finally Get My Pictures Noticed

Saving Scottie

June 10th 2021, God placed a another animal in our lives to care for. June, 2021, I was driving up to Norfolk VA to meet the youth for a field trip at the VA Zoo. I got a text from the husband, who worked at a warehouse in a small town called Scotland Neck, saying … Continue reading Saving Scottie

Pay It Forward!!!!

9 hours left…. let’s go beyond the goal!!!!

Our Life Is Not Ours, It's God's

 If not me and you, then who? If not now, then when? —Matthew West


If you have been following my blogs for the past few years you know that I work for a non profit organization called Methodist Home for Children. I teach at one of the 5 residential group homes for adjudicated youth. Some may ask, why? Here is my answer:

God told me to. That’s it. It’s that simple. When God tells you to do something he will give you the tools, the strength, the insight and the patience to do what ever it is he wants you to do. I have been teaching for 8 years at MHC and I would not trade it for the world.


I have had some interesting youth come through. One was a mother, she was 15 and the child was about to turn 3. You can do that math. Another young…

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Your Gift Shows Who You Are


How do you see me? Do you see my gift? Can I see yours?

so easy....

Evidently one of my gifts is publishing a blog with only the 3 questions above, which I am editing right now.

None the less, I can tell you that each of us has gifts. Some have the medical gift such as EMT’s , nurses, doctors, and first responders. They are the people who are calm when seeing blood or any emergency situation. They are the ones that will keep you calm when you want to go hysterical.  Then there are the Teachers, preachers, missionaries, writers. These people just want to help others learn what they have learned in life. There are the people who are gifted in figuring out problems and seeing solutions to the problems. These are the “Get ‘er Done!” people. These people are not typically born in the south or in tiny towns or they went away and learned how to get things done faster….


Then there are the  people gifted in art and music. These people astound me when they can just sketch something beautiful and say it’s a doodle or pick up an instrument and learn it that day.cover for Li'l Critters

There are the ones gifted in photography. They can take pictures that make you want to become a photographer.


Samantha (Sammy) taken by me 5/17

There are the number gifted people, like my father was, when he was alive. I am told he could add up columns of numbers in his head. even after a stroke, when half his brain was damaged, he could still do it…that is a gift.

Mom and Dad

A gift is something that is natural and knows no boundaries.  I teach everyday, even when I am not in a classroom. I pray my writing teaches someone something. My husband’s gift of helping people as a basic EMT did not know the boundary of our anniversary weekend a few years ago. I found myself running to get his bag. My father’s brain was damaged but his gift of numbers knew no such walls and still showed itself.  See, a gift is so natural that you find yourself doing it no matter what the day, time, or season.  The great thing is, we have more than one or we have one main one and then some off shoots of that one.

you get a gift....


What are your gifts? Can I see your gifts in how you react or respond to others or a situation? Can you see my gifts? Can you see God through my gifts?

It’s always good to know from others if what you are doing is being seen as you want it to be seen. So please, let me know by commenting and sharing my blogs. Of course if you don’t see any gifts, let me know so I can work harder to show my gifts…maybe that is your gift, to help others multiply their talents.

I look forward to hearing from you.                        find your gift

Our Life Is Not Ours, It's God's


      A dear friend of mine wrote a philosophical book, (which is interesting because he majored in Archeology) and had it published a couple of years ago entitled, “What is Life and Who am I?” . It is a very intellectually deep answer to the basic questions we ask ourselves: Why was I born? What are we on this Earth for? I think I can simplify things, at least a little.

Some say we are born to share or use our gifts or talents.  You may say, “yea, what gifts? I work in a chicken factory or Burger King or I don’t have a job at all.”  I can’t tell you why some people earn minimum wage jobs or why others are let go from jobs they had for years. I can tell you that there is a very human/earthly part of life and a faithful part of life.  Humans…

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My Rights…..

I don't know where to put this so I will just put this here. © Melissa Pasek and magmapoflife.wordpress.com, writingmap.wordpress.com 2010 to present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is … Continue reading My Rights…..

Love Is Executing a Promise

Promises, make sure you follow through!

Our Life Is Not Ours, It's God's


   Humans promise things all the time. We promise to take the garbage out, we promise to be good, we promise to call or write, we promise to love and honor, we promise our selves we will be better at following through with our promises. God promises to be there for us all the time for us, loving us, and he carries out this promise. He is more dependable than humans. 

I tell my students that the most difficult part of growing up is when you discover that humans are not perfect and that your parents are human. They were not made to automatically follow through on things. It’s something we all have to work at. Love means working at implementing promises and expectations we make to people we care about.  Love is also Not making promises we are not sure that we can keep.  Promises depend on the…

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